In November 2020, during MEPC 75, IMO approved amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, introducing EEXI (Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index) an Energy Efficiency Design Index for existing ships. This new measure will be applicable for all vessels above 400 GT falling under MARPOL Annex VI and will enter into force in 2023, if it is adopted at MEPC 76 in June 2021.
The EEXI is a design index, not an operational index and it is a similar scheme, as EEDI, but for existing ships.
- The EEXI Technical File must be issued for most types of the ships except for ships already built in accordance with EEDI Phase 2 or 3 requirements in the past.
- This Technical File includes the calculation of the attained EEXI, which must be below a required EEXI value.
- This required EEXI value is defined for different ship types, with reduction rates related to the EEDI reference curve.
- These reduction rates are in the range of EEDI reduction rates related to Phases 2 and 3, meaning that the required EEXI is almost in agreement with requirements for current newbuildings.
- The EEXI Technical File must be submitted to class in time for approval and is required to be carried on board afterwards.
- During the first annual, intermediate or renewal survey after the effective date of the EEXI requirements, meaning within the year 2023, verification of the attained EEXI takes place and, subsequently, the new IEE Certificate is issued.
- The EEXI calculations follows the EEDI calculation.
- Based on 2018 calculation guideline for EEDI, with adaptions for existing vessels.
- It describes the CO2 emissions per cargo ton and mile.
- It is not required values measured on past years or on-board measurements.
- The emissions are calculated from installed power of the main engine, the corresponding specific fuel oil consumption of the main engine and of auxiliary engines, and a conversion factor between fuel and the corresponding CO2 mass.

Please contact us for an evaluation or for more information about EEXI.