Galp Aveiro
Shipowner: Sacor Marítima – Gasmar
DWT: 6260 T
LPP: 95.80 m
Class: DNV
Mpp Power (AKASAKA): 3350 BHP
Tip: 8.10m
In service: South America
Sold in 2003, it changed the name to “Aveiro”.
Among many others carried out at “Galp Aveiro”, the main work consisted of the design and implementation of a new hydraulic circuit and the respective power and signal control system for the Giro compass. Originally, the ship had a single hydraulic pump for the rudder machine, but by the imposition of the charterers and the IMO, a second redundant hydraulic pump had to be implemented (not foreseen by the rudder machine manufacturer (Kawasaki) and had to be designed and implemented a new hydraulic circuit, including a second pump and all the electrical design for power, command and control signal, as well as two operating panels, one on the bridge and another on the ground.