Portugal´s Tecnoveritas has been working with APL/NOL of Singapore on the installation of Voyage Energy and Emissions Optimizers (VEEO) on board 24 of the companies containers ships. The vessels, of up to 4,000teu, trade worldwide. Monitoring shipboard energy requirements and emissions performance accurately is vital for owners to initiate steps to improve fuel efficiency and to prepare for the possible cost of emissions in the future, Owners must know how energy is uses on board, says Tecnoveritas, and therefore the impact of each energy-saving action on operational costs.
The Voyage Energy and Emissions Optimizer gathers shipboard data including main engine fuel consumption, propeller shaft energy delivered to the propeller, thrust, hull resistance, alternator power production, speed, distance, different fuels in use, engine and boiler performance, incinerator emissions and weather conditions. Continuous visual displays enable ship´s crews to decide on energy-saving actions – a change of course, for example, or a change in vessel trim. A ship´s real-time energy consumption and emissions are also displayed and logged.