Galp Faro
Shipowner: Sacor Marítima – Gasmar
DWT: 5990 T
LPP: 110.90 m
Class: DNV
Mpp Power (B&W): 5400 BHP
Tip: 10.80m
In service: South America
Sold in 2003, it changed the name to “Virgen del Carmen III”.
Among other works carried out on board the “Galp Faro”, as part of the modernization of the (pneumatic) cargo control system, the control and monitoring system for the cargo installation was designed and implemented, which comprised 5 cryogenic cargo tanks, three Sulzer reciprocating compressors, exchangers, inert gas system, level, pressure, temperature alarms. In this project, optical fibre was used for the first time to transport signals through areas classified as explosive, connecting the CPU of the Siemens S7300 automaton from the cargo control room to the compressor house amidships. In total, the system processed and controlled and recorded more than 300 operating signals and alarms, with all the software being developed by TecnoVeritas.