Field Tests*


Fuel Analysis on the Field


LabTecno has a set of Laboratory Tests that can be performed outside the Laboratory installations. These tests are carried out at the customer’s facilities or at another place to be designated. The team travels to the place using a vehicle equipped with the necessary material to carry out the tests.

The types of product available for the performance of the tests:
  • HFO (Fuel oil)
The tests marked with a 🡄 are tests accredited by IPAC (ISO 17025).
*The field tests need to be arranged with the client. Due to the pandemic we are only performing in Portugal.
Density at 15ºC – Portable densimeter 🡄

ASTM D7777

Description: to determine the density of a sample of fuel oil at 15ºC using a portable digital density meter.

Advantages: the equipment’s portability makes it possible to carry out tests at clients’ premises and to receive test reports on-the-spot. Test accredited by IPAC (ISO 17025 accreditation).

Sulphur content by dispersive energy - X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry 🡄

ASTM D4294

Description: allows sulphur determination in fuel oil, using a portable equipment. A portion of the sample is placed inside the equipment, which emits an X-ray beam originated from a sealed radioactive source, and the amount of sulphur content is automatically calculated by the device.

Advantages: the equipment’s portability makes it possible to carry out tests at the client’s premises. Test reports are received on-the-spot. It is a clean and fast test that requires only a small amount of test sample. Test accredited by IPAC (ISO 17025 accreditation).
